
RitualistThe return of the Ritualist!?

Guild Wars 2 new profession the Revenant.  I had always wondered why we only had two heavy professions and assumed they would add more later. I am happy to find out they did 😀

According to Colin Johanson at the Official Heart of Thorns Announcement PAX South, Colin said the Revenant has the “ability to channel and control the powers of the mists” and “channels the great legends of guild wars past”. Now we (those who have played Guild Wars) know there was another character who had this channeling ability, the ability to Channel Magic! It was also a character who symbolically wore a blindfold or veil. Can we say Ritualist?

Personally I am ecstatic they are adding a new heavy profession. On one of the character slot sales I bought a spare for just such the occasion. Now I can finally use it. I even have the tomes to get them to 80 right off!  My only hope is that it will have the same or similar weapon selection as the Warrior or Guardian.

I am curious about the various legends that we will be able to channel. I really like that they included King Jalis Ironhammer and Mallyx the Unyielding. I think it was a great idea to have them change the skills used when channeled. I can imagine a giant ghostly blue hammer smashing down on my enemy engulfing them in a luminescent blue flame! I hope that they include Glint, Ventari, or Celestial Dragon….and a favorite of mine ~ Freezie! I can see it now, a huge vortex of ice shredding my foe…sweet.

In any case I can’t wait to create my new Revenant character…..

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns ~ PAX East Demo
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns ~ PAX East Demo
Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader

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