Category Archives: Heart of Thorns

Guild Hall Level 40 and Further Exploration

Dungeon Adventures unlocked guild hall level 40 and Further Exploration! This is a little out of date, we’ve been enjoying HoT content, and needed to be posted. None the less there was a big sigh of relief once we reached level 40. Very shortly after we had everything in place to unlock Further Exploration.

  • Workshop ~ Last building being constructed

Many of us had high hopes of an additional map with unlocking Further Exploration. Sadly that just was not so. We did gain access to another WP, north east corner of the map and a jumping puzzle.

  • Main Hall

Unfortunately after reaching guild level 40 and unlocking further exploration, as with many guilds (reported on forums), participation takes a sharp down turn. We are still unlocking the remaining features of the guild hall. Some, like decorations merchant, will take some time given the mass amounts of materials required to unlock them.

I would be happy if there was a schematic to build an event that repopulates the guild claiming event. It would have been nice if with further exploration guild halls were given 5-10 meta events to build schematics for and activate in the guild hall. I guess we will just have to wait and see….

Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader

Heart of Thorns Live and DnD Claims Guild Hall

As launch arrived DnD Leaders registered  with the Guild Initiative to begin our journey into Maguuma and the construction of our Guild Hall. Taking our mains in to the prolog and Torn from the Sky we began leveling masteries in order to reach Lost Precipice. A guild mission that earned 100 Aetherium was required in order to pay 100 gold for the expedition to our guild hall. It was announced that WvW & PvP missions would b the only guild missions available at launch. This was a little disheartening to DnD being a PvE based guild. We did not however falter in our goal of claiming our hall. Seth and Crystal having comleted some PvP tracks we ready and eager to begin the task of PvP as the NOOBs we will forever remain 😀 .

Creating the Guild Team “What’s a Dodge” Consisting of Seth, Crystal, Arden, Qausi, & We set out on a very long quest to level members who had not reach rank 10 in PvP as required by PvP Rank System. After many hours of battle we finally had our PvP Team! Seth, Crystal, Alanis Makai, TiagoBrenck, and Team Captain Arden Stark. We entered into PvP Unranked arena awaiting to be defeated again and again. Much to our surprise and the new Elite Specializations (namely the Reaper) and our practice while leveling along with Guild Wars 2 forgiving ranking system we were paired with an opposing team. I was ecstatic to find I was able to fend off four enemy at one time while maintaining 50% health. The battle was neck and neck  and and on point they had taken a lead. I feared the worst! After having occupied 4 at a time twice we turned this into our advantage and began to turn the tables. I wold find and capture their area and they would run to reclaim it. I held them at bay while my team captured the other 2 points jumping us into the lead once again. This tactic worked very well ad we kept a 45 point lead for the WIN! On to the Guild Offices to pay for the expedition.

Expedition payed for and ready to claim our hall we went  to the Gates of Lost Precipice. First we had to reach the Lost Precipice and in order to do that you had to have Glider Mastery 1 and Glider Updraft helps.


Here we can be seen assembling for the claiming of the guild hall. Our first attempt had to few members and resulted in a loss. Slightly disappointing but expected given the hype of its epic battle.  On our second attempt we decided to seek assistance from outside the guild. Normally I have great fortune with LFG Tool. While we were able to successfully accumulate 15 players able to gain entrance into the claiming event, there was a bit of command struggle (not for mention here). I knew the second attempt was doomed from the start. Still we trodden on. The the finality of the failure hit! There were some assuming things were going great and a win was in the bucket. True, in the end the battle was actually successful. However, as I had mentioned when the message hit of an impending update we would not be claiming the guild hall this attempt either. I had noticed earlier working with the guild panel that when updates arrive no further guild panel access was allowed and no guild status changes would be had! The update had sealed our doom! No Hall again.

That was fine with me, I wanted an all DnD member claim anyway. Disappointed and a little flustered we went about our game. On Sunday I had a good feeling and knew we would claim our hall. We assembled our members Pyrofox, Stephiclese, Savvy, Alanis Makai, Celis, Abrasion, TiagoBrenck, Skull Jack, and KaiserReg, + Arden(in spirit). A few otehr arrived towards the end and were able to join us in the final battles to claim our guild hall. Successful at last we rejoiced and with excitement of children began exploring the hall.








Currently we have been hard at work upgrading our buildings & services, A Tavern, Mine, Workshop and Guild Portal by Sunday it is building up quite nicely. We have enjoyed the free travel to Bank, Merchants, Repair Stations, with more to come! Join us in game 😀 see you a the Guild Hall!

Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader

It’s the Final Countdown |

Hey, folks,

We’re down to just eight days now until the launch of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™! This is an extremely exciting time for everyone. We know you’re all ramping up to get ready for the release of the expansion—and all of us here at ArenaNet have been working like crazy to try and provide the best possible experience we can.

Our journey is nearly over—very soon, you will be gliding through the jungle canopy, battling to level 100 in fractals, building a guild hall with your friends, overcoming challenges in the jungle to unlock your elite specialization, competing with your friends and guildmates to get to the top of our new minigame adventure leaderboards, battling in the epic new World vs. World Borderlands map and waging war against enemy guilds with guild claiming, competing in Stronghold to kill enemy teams’ lords, joining with a party of ten to go on incredibly challenging raid runs, setting off on epic legendary journeys to build legendary gear, competing in Player vs. Player leagues for awesome rewards and prizes, and reading epic run-on sentences! And those are just some highlights of the countless new adventures that await you inGuild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns!

In the time leading up to the launch of the expansion, we’ll be counting down each day by putting a spotlight on a part of the expansion. Each spotlight will provide a summary of links and videos to basically every detail about that feature we’ve revealed up until now—so you can get a full, handy-dandy recap of all the info about each of our major features. That carries us up until October 23. So when exactly will you be able to play Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns for the first time?

On October 23 at 12:01 AM Pacific Time (UTC-7), Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will go live! In the hours leading up to the launch of the expansion, members of the Guild Wars 2 dev team will be coming by to visit and chat about the expansion on our official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel. In the final minutes of the countdown to launch, we’d like to invite all of you to join us live on the stream for a champagne toast with our dev team as we “press the button” and launchGuild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns live.

As developers, this is the most exciting time for all of us: to finally have something we’ve spent over a year of our lives pouring our hearts into get released to all of you. We cannot wait to putGuild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns live and to get out there and play the game with all of you. We hope you enjoy the expansion as much as we’ve enjoyed making it, and a special thanks goes to all of you who have helped make the game through beta testing in our BWE weekends and giving amazing feedback. Without you, this expansion wouldn’t be near the game it will end up being. For the final time before we launch, we’ll see you soon in Tyria—an epic journey awaits!

~ by Colin Johanson on October 15, 2015


The countdown begins to the launch of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns!

Source: It’s the Final Countdown |


Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Content

Many have felt that purchasing the expansion Heart of Thorns is not worth it. I would disagree. Many of those reason I would disagree below are listed below. These items are collection of reveals from multiple sources. Taken individually may not seem like much, once you see them together however, you see there is a lot of new content & systems that are improving our experiences.

  1. 4 maps, some containing 3 “biomes” – all containing many new events
  2. New races of npcs and monsters
  3. Repeatable adventures with leaderboards
  4. Map bonus reward system
  5. 1 profession
  6. 9 specializations
  7. New Personal Story
  8. Living World releases including Living Story Season 3
  9. 2 new armor sets per weight (from the open world) 5 weapon sets
  10. Legendary armor
  11. Legendary weapon set
  12. Legendary back pieces
  13. 60 new item skins, miniatures and more
  14. 7 mastery tracks
  15. Precursor crafting
  16. RAIDs, 1 raid with 3 wings
  17. 2 Guild Halls with 6 core buildings and over 175 decorations including a customizable PvP arena
  18. 2 New guild armor and weapon sets
  19. New PvP gamemode with new map
  20. Guild teams and leaderboards
  21. PvP leagues
  22. 10 New PvP reward tracks
  23. New WvW borderland
  24. New fractal system, rewards and 50 more levels
  25. Commander & Squad UI improvements
  26. More unmetioned or smaller features and updates……

These additions really create the “complete package” feeling that finally Guild Wars 2 has everything and more from Guild Wars and SO much more! A game that has taken us on a long 3 year journey and intends to continue that trek deeper into………..FUN!


Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader

The Final Beta Weekend Event Begins October 2!

We’re excited to announce that our third and final Beta Weekend Event will be taking place starting at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7) on Friday, October 2, and running until midnight Pacific Time (UTC-7) on Sunday, October 4.

These Beta Weekend Events are your opportunity to help shape the development process and the experience you’ll have when Guild Wars 2 is completed. These are real beta tests, and you have a real opportunity to make our expansion better with your feedback.

As a reminder, we’re not going to show everything from the expansion in beta weekends. We want to keep a strong sense of discovery and not spoil huge parts of the story ahead of time. We’re going to test enough to help us broadly understand how everything works and apply those lessons to the parts of the game we won’t be showing during beta weekends as well. For example, we’ll only ever be showing the first story chapter and parts of the first map of the expansion during beta weekends to ensure an entire world of discovery and excitement awaits you on launch day when you venture deeper into the jungle. After all, Guild Wars 2 is the game where the journey is the goal!

BWE3—Content Experience

Players who have pre-purchased the expansion will see a new button appear on the character-creation screen that allows them to create and play a fully geared, level 80 beta character of any race for the duration of the weekend. You’ll have access to four beta character slots to use. Due to large back-end changes to core systems that have corrupted some of the beta data, your characters from previous beta weekends will not be available for BWE3—everyone will be starting with fresh beta characters.

Players who have pre-purchased will be able to use their beta character slots to create our new profession, the revenant, using the full selection of core specializations, weapons, and legends. You’ll also be able to play with our new elite specialization system that grows your character professions into new elite specs. You’ll be able to try out all nine of the elite specializations:chronomancer, dragonhunter, reaper, tempest, berserker, daredevil, and herald, as well as the newly announced scrapper and our final elite specialization, the druid.

Beta characters will begin by playing through a brief shared battle in the Silverwastes that leads into the expansion jungle region, followed by the intro story step of the expansion. From there, they’ll land in Verdant Brink, the first map of the expansion. For our third beta weekend test, you’ll be landing in the same location that the second beta weekend took place in. We’ve expanded the nighttime events a bit to allow you to explore both the floor and jungle canopy in this part of Verdant Brink—and you’ll encounter new bosses who await you high above the jungle at night. You’ll be able to train your masteries in the jungle region as you play through the story and event content available in Verdant Brink.

We’ll also be opening up raiding in Guild Wars 2 for the very first time. You’ll find a brand-new portal in Verdant Brink right next to where you arrive in the map; this portal is a temporary entrance to our first raid! You’ll be able to form parties of 10 and enter the first raid wing, Spirit Vale, where you’ll go in search of a missing squad of Pact soldiers who disappeared while scouting an area north of the jungle. Here you’ll be able to take on the first encounter of our first raid wing as you search for the missing soldiers. This is the first of four total encounters in Spirit Vale—we’ll save the other three for when we activate the first wing in the live game so we don’t give away too many surprises.

Not only will you be able to take your characters to the jungle, but you can take them into the existing game world as well! Player vs. Player, PvE, or WvW—feel free to try out the new profession or elite specializations in Central Tyria with all your friends and guildies. To go along with this, we’ll have our map bonus reward system on for beta characters only to help players get a feel for how we’ll be helping keep the core game world relevant and rewarding with the release of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

We’ll also be turning on our new Stronghold PvP game mode for all players for the duration of the weekend, along with the new Mist Champion selection system. Players who pre-purchaseGuild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will have all the currently revealed Mist Champions automatically unlocked for them to use for the duration of the weekend.


So what kind of feedback are we looking for?

We’d love to get your thoughts on the revenant and all the elite specializations. We’d like your comments on the two new elite specializations, as well as the balance changes and updates we’ve made to the ones we’ve shown before. Were they fun to play? Did they change the way you play your profession in a meaningful way?

Did you enjoy the amount of vertical space available to play in for this part of the map? Are the new bosses fun to fight against? Do they add more to the night experience? Did you enjoy your time in general in Verdant Brink?

We want your feedback on what it feels like to play raids. Does raiding prove to be the true PvE challenge you were hoping for? Did you have to refine your build, discuss with your friends what builds they were running, and together define a strategy to overcome our first raid encounter? Did you fail the encounter multiple times until you eventually devised a strategy to learn how to overcome it? And most importantly, did you have fun?

We’re continuing to look for feedback on what it’s like to progress and earn Masteries over the course of multiple days of gameplay in the jungle and how it feels to use those Mastery abilities in the area provided. We’ve sped up the rate at which you earn Masteries deeper into the Mastery lines. Does the Mastery system feel like a system that works to provide meaningful progression? Does it make you care about experience points and Mastery points? Does it provide a framework you think we could add to regularly in live updates?

See You Soon!

Beta Weekend Events are a large milestone in the development of our expansion, and we can’t wait to play the game with you over the weekend and to continue down the path that bringsGuild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns to release. After this beta weekend has completed, we’ll be just 19 days from the launch of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns!

I want to extend a huge thank-you to everyone who has helped us beta test so far; the entire expansion (including the huge volume of stuff you haven’t seen!) is infinitely better because of it. This final beta weekend will help us identify the last refinements we need to address to make the experience even better, so thank you ahead of time to all of you who make it in. And remember—please make sure to share your feedback; it’s incredibly important to us!

We’ll see you in-game and streaming live on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel this weekend at TwitchCon!

~by Colin Johanson on September 25, 2015

Learn more about what we’ll be testing in the third and final Beta Weekend Event for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

Source: The Final Beta Weekend Event Begins October 2! |


Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader

The Mordrem Are Coming


by The Guild Wars 2 Team on September 2, 2015

Mordremoth is rallying its forces, sending armies of Mordrem out of the Maguuma Jungle to test Central Tyria’s defenses. Drive back the invasion, and stop the jungle dragon from sinking its teeth into vulnerable territory! The Battle Begins From 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on September 10 through 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on September 14, Mordrem will be staging periodic incursions into Brisban Wildlands, Kessex Hills, and Diessa Plateau. Keep an eye on the world event UI, which will let you know when Mordremoth is launching its assault.

Coordinate with other players to stop the Mordrem in their tracks, and you’ll earn Mordrem Blooms. Mordrem Blooms are the research samples the Durmand Priory seek. In exchange for the research samples, the Durmand Priory is offering concessions as a reward.

This event is recommended for players level 18 and up. If you’re just starting your journey into Tyria, you can prepare by exploring the game world, completing maps, learning your character’s abilities, and making friends to join forces with during the invasion. Guilds will be
seeking new members, so be on the lookout for one that’s right for you! In addition to all the perks of guild membership, you’ll have allies on your side during this tumultuous time.

ArenaNet developers will be joining players in the game throughout the invasion, so look for the red ArenaNet logo, and be sure to say hello. We’d also love to see your screenshots of the event, so tweet us your favorites @GuildWars2 or submit them to the official Guild Wars 2 Tumblr! Our team will be sharing the best of the best through our social-media channels through the week of September 13.

Source: The Mordrem Are Coming |


Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader

Heart of Thorns Coming

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Arrives October 23rd, 2016

Journey deeper into the Heart of Thorns

  • Mastery System
  • Heart of Maguuma (Maps, Challenging Content, New Beasts & Bosses, More Storyline & Events )
  • Elite Specilizations
  • New Profession | Revenant
  • PvP: Stronghold Game Mode
  • WvW: Borderland


Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader

The Second Beta Weekend Event Begins September 4!


I’m excited to announce our second Beta Weekend Event will be taking place starting at noon Pacific Time (UTC-7) on Friday, September 4, and running until 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on Sunday, September 6.

These beta weekend events are your opportunity to help shape the development process and the experience you’ll have when Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ is completed. These are real beta tests, and you have the real opportunity to make our expansion better with your feedback.

As a reminder, we’re not going to show everything in the expansion in beta weekends. We want to keep a strong sense of discovery and not spoil huge parts of the story ahead of time. We’re going to test enough to help us broadly understand how everything works and also apply those lessons to the parts of the game we won’t be showing during beta weekends. For example, we’ll only ever be showing the first story chapter and parts of the first map of the expansion during beta weekends to ensure that an entire world of discovery and excitement awaits you on launch day when you venture deeper into the jungle. After all, Guild Wars 2 is the game where the journey is the goal!

BWE2—Content Experience

Players who have pre-purchased the expansion will see a new button appear on the character-creation screen that allows them to create and play a fully geared, level 80 beta character of any race for the duration of the weekend. You’ll have access to four beta character slots to use, and if you created characters in our first Beta Weekend Event, your progress—including any Mastery system progress you’ve earned for your account—will be available for you in the second event.

Players who have pre-purchased will be able to use their beta character slots to create our new profession, the revenant, using the full selection of core specializations, weapons (including underwater combat), and legends. You’ll also be able to play with our new elite specialization system that grows your character professions into new elite specializations. You’ll be able to try out the chronomancer, dragonhunter, reaper, and tempest, as well as the newly announced elite specializations: berserker, and herald, as well as the thief specialization we’ll announce later this week.

Beta characters will begin by playing through a brief, shared battle in the Silverwastes that leads into the expansion’s jungle region, followed by the introductory story step of the expansion. From there, they will land in Verdant Brink, the first map of the expansion. For our second beta weekend test, you’ll be landing in a different part of the map than the one we showed in our first beta weekend, and you’ll be able to explore a new area: the jungle-floor biome. The playable content will comprise about 25% of the expansion’s first map. Train your Masteries in the jungle region as you play through the story and event content available in Verdant Brink.

As you explore this area of the map, you’ll find survivors from a ship of nobles that traveled with the Pact Fleet to witness the battle with Mordremoth and got far more than they bargained for, including one particularly famous noble who has gone…wild. The quaggan Baroosh and his village, who potentially joined the Pact in your personal story, were also aboard an airship that went down with the fleet when Mordremoth tore it from the sky. The survivors can also be found working with an ordnance corps to muster together a counterassault on the jungle dragon. Across this area, numerous new enemies are there to face off against, including your first encounters with the aggressive hylek tribes Coztic and Xocotl.

Not only will you be able to take your characters to the jungle, but you can take them into the existing game world as well! Whether you want to play in Player vs. Player, World vs. World, or PvE, feel free to try out the new profession or elite specializations in Central Tyria with all your friends and guildies. To go along with this, we’ll have our map bonus reward system on for beta characters only to help players get a feel for how we’ll be helping keep the core game world relevant and rewarding with the release of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

We’ll also be turning on our new Stronghold PvP game mode for all players for the duration of the weekend, along with the new Mist Champion selection system. Players who pre-purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will have all the currently revealed Mist Champions automatically unlocked for them to use for the duration of the weekend.


So what kind of feedback are we looking for?

We’d love to get your thoughts on our three brand-new elite specializations! Were they fun to play? Did they change the way you play your profession in a meaningful way? We’ve also made updates—primarily balance changes—to the elite specializations that were playable in BWE1, as well as to the revenant. How have these improvements helped to address your feedback from the first beta weekend?

We were really happy with the feedback for creature difficulty from the first Beta Weekend Event, so we’re mostly looking for your feedback on whether the new creatures you encounter in the second Beta Weekend Event are as fun and exciting as the creatures from the first weekend.

During daytime, we’re showing two new outposts and a big pile of events that go along with them. Are they fun? Do they tell a compelling narrative that helps bring you into the world? Do the events feel meaningful, challenging, and interesting? The nighttime component of Verdant Brink will be relatively similar to BWE1; we look forward to sharing the expanded version of the night experience in future beta events.

We’re continuing to look for feedback on what it’s like to progress and earn Masteries over the course of multiple days of gameplay in the jungle, as well as how it feels to use those Mastery abilities in the area provided. Does the Mastery system feel like a system that works to provide meaningful progression? Does it make you care about experience and Mastery points? Does it provide a framework that you think we could regularly add more to in live updates? Knowing your progress won’t be wiped, does it make you want to learn as many Masteries as possible so you can use them to overcome additional challenges later?

We haven’t made any changes to our map reward system yet based on the feedback from our first beta weekend, so gathering feedback on it isn’t as urgent.

Finally, you’ll also see some new UI in the Stronghold Mist Champion selection panel to help better explain the role of each of the Mist Champions. Let us know what you think of the changes and of Stronghold as a whole!

See You Soon!

Beta weekend events are a large milestone in the development of our expansion, and we can’t wait to play the game with you over the weekend and to continue down the path that brings Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns to release! And while we count down to our second beta weekend, make sure to join us for our massive announcement about Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns live from PAX Prime on Saturday, 29 August, at 5:30 p.m. UTC (10:30 a.m. Pacific Time), broadcast live on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel, or join us in person if you’re attending PAX!

We’ll see you in game.

~by Colin Johanson on August 26, 2015


Learn more about what we’ll be testing in the second Beta Weekend Event for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns.

Source: The Second Beta Weekend Event Begins September 4! |


Dungeon Adventures Guild Leader